Before you book an hour, check which group your dog belongs to ( described on the service “klipp”)!

If you are unsure, please contact us.

Puppy training

Before you sign up your dog for a full visit, you should make sure to properly prepare him for this. When should you start your adventure with grooming? From 3 months of age! I am happily inviting all puppies to an introductory hour. This service is also available for older dogs that are starting their grooming adventure!

Time: 10 – 20 min

Free now!

Claw clipping

·     Smaller dogs to 15kg - 99 NOK

·     Larger dogs over 15kg – 149 NOK

Free for regular customers!

Cut (max 2,5 cm)

  1. XSmall breads (not so fluffy like Yorkie, chiuaua etc.) 989 nok
  2. Small breads (Malteser, Shih tzu, bischon havanise etc.) 1050 nok
  3. Small Special "Thick fur" (pomeranian, small spitz etc.) 1250 nok
  4. Medium bread (Schnauzer, cavalier, medium poodle etc.) 1150 nok
  5. Medium Special "Thick fur" (all Spaniels, medium spitz etc.) 1299 nok
Services including bath and claw trimming!

Shaving (all over max 8mm)

  • XSmall dogs  900 nok
  • Small dogs  950 nok
  • Medium dogs  1050 nok
Services including bath and claw trimming!

Special cut

  • Scissor cut  Haircut + 400 nok 
  • Asian style  Haircut + 100-300 nok  (only with perfect behave dogs) 
  • Paw care or intima sone 200 - 400 nok
  • Shaving poodle nose and feet 300 - 500 nok
  • Extra paid for fløker or special needs dog Haircut + 200 - 400 nok
  • Creative (paint, diamonts) Haircut  + 200 nok (only with perfect behave dogs)
  • Small clipping 499 nok / 30 min 

Standard breed

There is a large number of different breeds and the time of the work that needs to be done vary. Prices are set individually! The best option would be to make an appointment by phone or a private message.

Services include bath and claw trimming!


All dogs to 15 kg are more then welcome to try a great services which is a bath with Ozon therapy! Price from  899 nok

First bath with Ozon therapy in Bergen! 

Why my services are on the highest level?

I love innovations and modern solutions that will ensure that your pooch will be served at the highest possible level. I believe that as one of the few groomers I have exceptional quality equipment. I offer bathing services combined with hydromassages and haircutting using the clipper Vac with a vacuuming system, Thanks to which the cuts are even more perfect!